Photo by Luca Barth
“The teacher opens the door, you must walk through it yourself.“
– Chinese Proverb
I think the meaning of this proverb is that the teacher will guide the students in the right direction, but the student must apply their knowledge and take the next step without the teacher’s help. As I see it, the teacher is pushing the student towards independence and becoming a free thinker/problem solver.
Once guided in the right direction, the student must decide themselves whether they want to follow the path laid out for them. The teacher can provide guidance to the student, but ultimately it’s up to the individual what to do with the guidance provided to them.
I also believe that the terms “teacher” and “student” are used in a broader sense in this proverb. The teacher technically doesn’t have to be an academic teacher in a school setting. The “teacher” can be used in the sense of a parent, a friend, or maybe even stranger. As long as a person gives you guidance, they can be considered a teacher.
In life you will encounter teachers that will guide you through life, but ultimately it is up to you as the student whether or not you will follow their guidance or follow your own path.