Dragons Got Goals in 2022

 It’s a new year, same me but, different goals. My goal for 2022 is to get a GPA of 3.0 and above ! Another goal I have is to continue staying in shape and staying healthy. These goals are the most important. Some other important goals I have is to listen to my parents more. To do more around school and at home. Help parents, siblings, and peers with work whether it be school work or physical work. More goals that I want to accomplish in this new year are things I want for myself. I want to get a job because I want to be able to help my family out with bills and groceries, also I feel the need to get a job to sustain myself and my needs. One last goal I have for this year is to extend my friend group. I love my friends, but I need to make new friends so that I won’t only be talking to and having fun with the ones from elementary and middle school.

Dallas Correia


Some of my personal goals for 2022 are to train at least three horses for people and to keep up with my grades.

 I also want to train more riding bulls and do roping. I’m going to train for rodeo by working out, doing cardio and running, also hop on some practice bulls so I can feel how every bull is different and learn new ways to grip the rope and balance on any bull. I want to train my horse to heel steers and head so I can use her in the rodeo. My plan is to get a truck and trailer so I can drive myself to my rodeos, that way my parents don’t have to worry and stress about packing the whole house. I want to keep winning 1st and 2nd place so I can go to state finals, then hopefully, win and go to national finals and hopefully world finals, then do it all again.

Ikeao Kapaliela

A goal I want to achieve is good grades. It’s important to graduate and if you have good grades and a good GPA you’ll be able to go to a good college. A dream I have is to travel the world because there’s so much to see and learn. A goal I’m creating is to make as many memories as I can with all my friends. Soon, before we even know it we’re going to graduate and become adults. Another goal I’m working on is to just live life to the fullest and don’t let anyone hold you back because we live once and have one chance to do whatever you want. A personal goal  I want to achieve is to love my-self more because for a while now I didn’t always like my appearance and I cared about what others thought of me because I just wanted to fit in. I hope to accomplish every goal I wrote down because it’ll make me feel like I accomplished something big in life and it’ll just make me feel better in general. All these goals are big so its gonna take time, patience, and hard work. 

Kaia Kahikina

This year I wanted to change for once. I want to change my health, so I’m trying to eat more healthy foods, workout in the morning, then in the afternoon, which is really helping me. I’m also trying to change who I am, just a little.  School is another thing I want to change because, I know I can do it, I just got to put my mind to it! I’d like to get straight A’s and be at the top of my class. To sum all of it up, I’m trying to better myself because I never changed who I was, until now, so I just hope for the best of me.

Zane Ugalde