Overfishing is Bad for the Environment

Tauarii Key

One hundred million sharks die from commercial  fishing in a year. Overfishing is bad for the environment. Commercial Fishing companies are overfishing. They leave nets in the water and it kills fish and other marine life. 640,000 tons of fishing gear accounts for the waste in our oceans each year. 

Commercial Fishing companies are overfishing.  It has been estimated that between 0.97 to 2.7 trillion fish are caught from the wild and killed globally every year (Forbes).  I think that overfishing is bad for the environment and it could mess up marine life.

They leave nets in the water and it kills fish and other marine life. ”Ghost nets injure and kill marine animals. Marine mammals that become entangled in discarded fishing nets, such as dolphins(“Tangled up in Ghost Nets”). I feel that many marine animals are dying because of the nets.

Six hundred forty thousand tons of fishing gear accounts for the waste in our oceans each year. In 2018, it was reported that up to 650 000 marine animals are killed by ghost nets every year (EARTH . ORG). Many fish die from fishing nets in the ocean.

Overfishing can help boost the economy. “Exportation of seafood products will also do good for any country as it provides more work and more income for the government”(List of 12 Big Pros and Cons of Overfishing). However, it can increase pollution. “Garbage in the ocean can grow in number. This makes the water more polluted, making it unsafe for people and animals alike”(List of 12 Big Pros and Cons of Overfishing). Overfishing is bad for the environment. Commercial Fishing companies are overfishing. They leave nets in the water and it kills fish and other marine life. 640,000 tons of fishing gear accounts for the waste in our oceans each year. Commercial Fishing Companies should stop overfishing. There should be a limit to how much fish these companies catch. They should stop dumping their fishing gear in the ocean because it’ll kill the sea animals.

Click here to learn more : World Wild Life Fund : Overfishing