Controversy Over Hogstop: How to Control Hawaii’s Wild Pigs

A wild boar forages for acorns in autumn
April 20, 2023
Hawaii is known for its wild pigs and great hunting. However, the pigs pose a problem for some people, like digging up their grass and eating their garden. A possible solution has been introduced which would decimate the pig population. The solution would be to sterilize the animals and stop them from reproducing. The “Hogstop” that was introduced to Hawaii is bad for some people and good for some people. Hogstop is a non toxic birth control for feral pigs. This is bad for Hawaii because people here fill their freezers by catching feral pigs.
Remember when the state thought it would be a good idea to bring mongoose to kill the rats on Hawaii? It didn’t work because rats are nocturnal and the mongoose comes out during the day time. Now the mongoose is the rat of Hawaii.
We would also have to wonder if a hunter catches a pig that has eaten this non toxic birth control called Hogstop, would it be toxic to humans and would it affect the reproductive system of a person’s body.
The Hunters of Hawaii don’t like Hogstop because it could have a major effect on the population of pigs in Hawaii. Not only could it affect the population of pigs it could also effect humans.
Rod • Apr 21, 2023 at 7:14 PM
I’m in favor of hogstop. I have small children and these pigs are a real problem. They need to be controlled. Catch them all and put them in a more controlled area and hunt away, where they aren’t offended and don’t offend.
Liz Cutter • Apr 21, 2023 at 12:59 PM
When we used to hunt, we would castrate male pigs and release them. Not only do they grow much bigger but they do not reproduce. Laho’ole pigs. Catch them again later and you have a much bigger pig!
John Gorman • Apr 21, 2023 at 12:53 AM
Hunters should be respected and their voices heard .For a lot of local folks bringing home a wild pig is a way to feed the family. I am against this proposal