A Hui Hou Ms. Payne!
May 10, 2023
This year we had a new teacher join the team, Ms. Michel Payne. She is the new U.S. History teacher for sophomores and Participation in Democracy teacher for freshmen this year. Her class is in room A-1. She was an incredibly fun teacher that many enjoyed having. She then decided that teaching was not for her and will be leaving. So we decided to interview her before she leaves.
DP: What was it like teaching high school for the first time?
P: It was a culture shock. I went from really tiny babies to having almost grown adults and knowing when to hover and when not to hover is hard but a great learning curve.
DP: What was your favorite part of teaching?
P: Teaching means you have to research notes, put them all together, and present those notes. So I wouldn’t say I have a favorite part of teaching but with the teaching job, my students have some really lovely personalities that make coming to school worth it.
DP: What was your least favorite part of teaching?
P: Also my students. I had some difficult students who may not know what opportunities I give to them and it’s really sad to watch them not accomplish what I know they can accomplish.
DP: Is there anything you would have done differently?
P: Coming into this job?
DP: Yes,
P: Taking the job. LOL – I don’t know because personally, I have put in so much effort that now that we are getting to the end I am exhausted. I wouldn’t really do anything differently because I can say I have done my best. It may not be the best but it was my best and I’m proud of what I have done so no I wouldn’t do anything differently.
DP: Do you regret taking this job?
P: Sometimes. But at the same time no I had some really great people. So yes and no.
DP: What was the hardest thing for you when it came to teaching?
P: I feel like teaching can be very isolating. You have to make so many big calls on things, yes we have procedures but at the end of the day you are in a classroom by yourself and you’re in charge of these students and giving them the tools to set them up for their future and it’s a lot, to understand fully that what I do will affect these students and then there’s no one else and it’s all on you.
Sherie S
May 15, 2023 at 4:06 PM
Good Luck onto your new journey Ms. Payne!
Michel Payne
May 12, 2023 at 3:54 PM
Thank you all for being amazing people and letting me teach you.
Alana Haitsuka-Fernandez
May 11, 2023 at 8:13 PM
I will really miss having Ms. Payne as my teacher neighbor! She brought a lot of energy, dedication, and love to her students! I loved hearing the enthusiasm happening next door and her positive and uplifting message on her classroom door!
Michel Payne
May 12, 2023 at 3:55 PM
I will miss having you as a friendly face to great and talk story with. You have definitely made my time here fun!