Gathering Blue written by Lois Lowry is the second book of the Giver series. You probably recognize the book The Giver and have probably read it before. Yet, not many people know that there’s a four-book series that answers the cliffhanger at the end of the first book.
Gathering Blue takes place in a different setting than the town in the first book. In this book, the setting is a village surrounded by forest that is in heavy poverty. The book follows the story of the main character, named Kira who is established to have a twisted leg that makes her unable to walk properly without a cane.
In this village, it is vital to be in good health or else you’d be cast out of the village to die and be eaten by the beasts in the surrounding forest. Babies who are born with illness or disability are immediately killed to eradicate any weak links in the community. However, Kira has a gift. She cannot use her legs well, but she can use her hands to design wonderful patterns on cloth with brilliant colors of string.
The people of the village were quick to try to get rid of Kira, but the “Council” prevented her from being cast out. Instead, they saw her gift for sewing wonderful patterns and gave her the job of repairing and sewing the Singer’s robe that was to be presented at the upcoming ceremony.
She had no choice but to agree since the only other option was to be cast out and killed. On the days approaching the ceremony, Kira made new friends and meticulously worked every day to perfect the Singer’s robe to the point where she couldn’t move her hands anymore.
At the ceremony, she was met with an astonishing surprise that changed her life as she knew it.
The rest is a spoiler – so read the series and the book “Gathering Blue” to find out what happens!
This is a great book and one of the best stories from the four-book series of The Giver that inspires you to appreciate your freedom and the life that you are gifted with.