As Valentine’s day approaches, we have used the chance to interview students about their viewpoint. We thought it would be interesting to know what characteristics people look for in a friend or sweetheart. Here are what some students had to say.
Maddy Gonzales , Grade 9
“Honest and funny”
Eldrich Pagaran, Grade 9
“Humor, compassion, empathy”
Hanah Subia, Grade 9
“Funny, kind, and they communicate”
Cyrus Aaron-Force, Grade 10
“Have sense of humor”
Dylan Awai, Grade 10
Abigail Dias, Grade 10
“Funny, caring, supportive”
Malaquias Oliveros-Rios, Grade 10
“Honesty, loyalty, humor, and trust”
Katelyn Lagaret-Hollister, Grade 10
“My biggest thing is probably honesty.”
Nick Palumbo, Grade 10
“There are no such things as sweetheart but for friends I guess humor.”
Amy Aitken, Grade 10
“Somebody that respects my boundaries and sets boundaries for themselves.”
Elia Gonzales, Grade 10
“What I look for in a person is someone who supports me and just makes me feel seen”
Jhaycee Queja, Grade 10
“Someone who my parents would approve of, has goals of their own, and can communicate”
As we interviewed the students it showed that they had a variety of preferences they look for in a friend or sweetheart. Some of the top traits being honesty, trust, humor, highlighting the different traits that each of them prioritize in a relationship.
Kalihiwai Cantor • Feb 14, 2024 at 3:42 PM
These are nice characteristics to find in a person!