The quote, “All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” holds great significance. It depicts the world of Shakespeare and acting, everyone is a character and everyone has a role in this play, called Life. The quote is saying that life is like a play, anything can happen. Life holds tragedy, loss, and great conflict. But in the end, there is hope. A sense of theme and lessons learned. Life is a mystery, you never know what will come next till you get to the next chapter.
-Cheyne Ah Puck, Gr. 9
I think Shakespeare said this because he’s relating how his plays are like a symbol of the world and our lives. It could either mean that our presence is merely for entertainment or it could mean, that as we are on this stage, we must be heard and expressed by the moments of fame that we get.
-Maddy Gonzales, Gr. 9
I believe the quote “All the world’s a stage and the men and women are merely players.” is trying to say that life is one big play. The stage is the world and the people and other living things in it are the characters. Each character has their own story or play that they go through throughout their lives. Unlike a normal play that usually has one narrator who creates and determines the decisions of all the characters, each character in the play of life is their own narrator and each character has their own stage.
Each person is the narrator of their own play and is a character in another person’s play. Each character or person has their own stage which is the setting of their life. The stage can change due to decisions being made. The stage a character is in resembles their self-image. For example, if someone’s stage is often the ocean it would mean this person spent a lot of their life with the ocean. This would mean most of the time their self-image would relate to the sea, they can be calm, rough, scary, and beautiful just like the ocean.
-Blaize Jardin, Gr. 9
The quote “ All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” means that you are the main character in your story and everybody is just a background player in your life. The quote means,to me that the world is a stage and that the world is just a stage and that plays must go on, basically stating that no matter what happens to you or me, the show must go on. The world ain’t gonna stop for nobody, so you can either learn from it or run from it. But no matter what, the world is gonna keep on rolling, either leaving you behind or bringing you along.
-Ceasar Morales-Tailan, Gr. 11
“All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players.” by William Shakespeare. This quote means to me, that in the world people are merely just players meant to play out the world’s meaning. Also, it is to treat the world as a stage where people can live and be themselves in this stage of the world.
-Emma White, Gr. 9