US Returns to Paris Climate Accord


The Paris Agreement is an international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by nearly every country in 2015. The goal of the Paris Agreement is to limit global warming, which has been taking a toll on our environment.


The countries involved in the agreement are focusing on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adjusting to the impacts of climate change, and providing financial assistance to countries that are affected by a changing climate.

When Donald Trump was president he withdrew the U.S from the Paris climate accord. He stated that the Paris Agreements were  “job-killing” and that it would punish Americans while enhancing foreign polluters. However, there was no mention from the former president on how expanding renewable forms of energy, such as solar and wind, could also produce new jobs. As stated in the New Your Times, over the past four years, the Trump administration dismantled major climate policies and rolled back many rules governing clean air, water, wildlife, and toxic chemicals.

Now that Trump has been removed from power,  Biden as our president has signed executive orders to overrule several of the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks. Biden will work on renewing the clean air act and reinstating regulations that protect water, public lands, endangered species, and address climate change.

 This was the third executive order that President Biden reinstated. This order has placed the U.S back into the Paris Agreement along with other countries who have joined in the fight against climate change. Being part of the Paris Climate Accord shows that the United States does care about the environment.