Why I Think There Is Good In Distance Learning


Gabriel Key, Grade 9

Distance learning has proven to be the best for a lot of kids who struggle academically. Studies show that students learned a little more from remote learning instruction rather than normal teaching. Although distance learning can be and has been a challenge for some, I know it has been the best thing for me. Remote learning rather than in class  learning has been shown as better for some students. I have experienced one on one support and guidance at home and with teachers, with no distractions and big improvements in all of my grades.

First of all, remote learning rather than normal, in class learning is shown to be better for some students. Some students have discovered that they enjoy getting to work at their own pace, set their own schedule and be free from the stressful environment of school (Edutopia, 2020). I know this has helped me because I don’t work well under pressure  and  I’m able to review lessons and instructions that I need help on or can’t remember. I have shown that this is true because I have made improvements in my work.

Another reason distance learning is good, is the one on one support and guidance students get at home and from their teachers, with no distractions. In fact, some student’s say, at home it seems to be a bit easier to focus on all the work they’re  getting and it’s almost like we’re one on one with the teacher, everything in general is easier (New York Times, 2020). This is true for me.

Finally, though remote learning has brought many challenges, some students seem to be thriving in the new circumstances (New York Times, 2020). I for one have made big improvements in my grades. For the first time ever I actually got a 4.0 for the first quarter this year. I know this would not have happened if I was physically in school. 

Most people will say distance learning is not as good as normal learning because a lot of kids are failing, and maybe they miss the social aspect of school. However, I have proven through my grades that this is not true for everyone So, although distance learning can be and has been a challenge for some, I know it has been the best thing for me. Remote learning rather than normal learning has shown to be better for some students. One on one support and guidance at home and from teachers, with no distractions have led to  big improvements in all of my grades. This is why I think there is good in distance learning.